The general director of Da’wa and guidance of the Taliban is a great sin to take pictures
Mohammad Hashim Shahid Veror, the general head of the Taliban’s invitation and guidance, said in a seminar on Tuesday that media workers commit a great sin by taking pictures.He also said in this seminar that many media workers still commit sins by shaving their beards.Shahid Veror added: “Media workers should also keep their beards and stop shaving.” “Don’t waste all your time taking pictures, because taking pictures is a big sin and they will be accountable to God in the hereafter.”Mohammad Hashem Martyr Veror added in this seminar that it is obligatory to have a beard and it should not be shaved.He added: “Media workers are our compatriots; But they commit the permanent sin of shaving their beards, and they pay more attention to corruption.”The general director of Taliban invitation and guidance had also criticized the use of points.This is despite the fact that two days later, the official of Kandahar province, by sending an official letter to all institutions and officials of the Taliban in this province, announced a ban on filming official and unofficial meetings and gatherings.