Otunbaeva: The continuation of the current situation separates Afghanistan from the Islamic world and the international community
Reza Otunbayeva, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Afghanistan and the head of the UNAMA office, on the occasion of the World Education Day, has warned that the continuation of the current situation will cause more harm to Afghans and make Afghanistan from It will separate the Islamic world and the international community. In the video message of Roza Otunbaeva, which was published on Wednesday on the social pages of the Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), she asked the Taliban government to protect the rights of all Afghans, regardless of gender. He added that depriving all girls and women from education is not sustainable: Afghan girls and women, you know that you are not alone. The United Nations stands by you and demands justice and support for your future. This is not only the desire of Western countries, but…